Dr. Stuart Reid

Dr. Stuart Reid

CTO at STA Consulting

Dr Stuart Reid is Chief Technology Officer at STA Consulting in Seoul with 40 years’ experience in the
IT industry, working in development, testing, and education. While currently concentrating on the
testing of AI, application areas range from safety-critical to financial and media.
Stuart supports the worldwide testing community in a number of roles. He is convener of the ISO
Software Testing Working Group, which has published the ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 series of software
testing standards and is the co-convener of the ISO Joint Working Group on Testing AI. Stuart
previously led the ISO project on autonomous systems for software and systems engineering. He
was also co-founder and first president of the International Software Testing Qualifications Board
(ISTQB), created to promote software testing qualifications globally, and he was one of the authors
of the new ISTQB certification on the testing of AI-based systems.